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The Robots Are Coming

In the year 1996, in response to the Russian-American nuclear test ban and nuclear testing, the US government launched a program known as"the Accelerated Strategic Computing Initiative. In the wake of this, the suspension of nuclear testing resulted in the necessity to run computer-based simulations of the way that old weapons were getting old in order to protect the public and also because it's a risky world that's out there! To develop new weapons, without violating the conditions that the Moratorium had set. To accomplish this, ASCI needed more computing capacity than could be offered by any machine currently in use. Its solution was to build an ASCI Red computer ASCI Red which was that was designed to be the world's first supercomputer capable of processing more than one Teraflop. A "flop" is a floating point process, i.e. an operation that involves numbers that comprise decimal numbers (these are computationally far more complex than calculations that involve zeros and binary ones). Teraflops can be described as trillions of calculation per second. When Red was running at full speed, in 1997, it truly was an example. Its speed was so high that it was able to process 1.8 trillions of teraflops. This is the equivalent of 18 times 11 zeros. Red maintained its position as the top supercomputer on the planet until the middle of 2000. I was playing with Red just yesterday. I didn't actually however, I did get the chance to play with a device capable of processing 1.8 trillion teraflops. The Red alternative is known as the PS3 and was first introduced at the time of Sony in 2005, and went to market in the year 2006. Red was a tiny bit bigger than the size of a tennis court and it used the same amount of electricity as eight hundred houses it cost $55 million. The PS3 is able to be placed under a television and operates off of a regular power outlet and you can purchase the device for less than two hundred cents. In the span of the space of a decade, computers capable of processing 1.8 Teraflops changed from something that was only created by the world's wealthiest government for use that were at the very limits of computing power and to something that a teenager can reasonably expect to find in the underside of the tree at Christmas. The driving force behind this is a concept called Moore's Law. It's not really a law in the first place however, it's merely an extension on an earlier observation by Gordon Moore, one of the pioneers of the computer chip manufacturer Intel. In 1965 Moore was aware that the silicon chip had over a period of years been becoming more powerful in relation to their cost and at a remarkable rate. He wrote a study predicting that they would continue increasing their power for at least 10 years'. This may sound tinny but actually, according to Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee explain in their book the Second Machine Age, in reality, a bold assertion in that it suggested that in 1975, computers will have five times the power at the same cost. "Integrated circuits," Moore claimed, could lead to amazing inventions like home computers , or at the very least, terminals that connect directly to the central system auto-controlled controls as well as personal devices for communications'. The three of them are correct. If anything , he was overly prudent. Moore's Law, commonly defined as the rule that computers are able to double their power or reduce in cost every 18 months it has been in operation for a quarter century. This is the reason it has resulted in such commonplace miracles such as the leap of to the Red into the PS3. There is no invention that has seen such rapid improvement over such a long time. Alongside the power of computers growing exponentially and becoming much more affordable, we have also become more adept in the art of programming. One of the most prominent examples to support this was in 2011, when IBM announced the public triumph of a project known as Watson that was developed by IBM. The goal of Watson was to develop an artificial intelligence system that could comprehend the basic language of everyday life and beat a well-known TV show, known as Jeopardy! , playing against competitors who are not ordinary and record-breaking champs. 1 This could be an example of Brynjolfsson and McAfee claim, a tough examination of a computer's pattern-matching and advanced communication abilities which is more difficult than the other IBM project which is the chess computer Deep Blue, which won a game against famous Gary Kasparov in the year 1997. Chess is prone to brute force computation; I've got a program on my phone that can beat the top players in the world. General knowledge-based tests, especially ones such as Jeopardy! with a colloquial and allusive element are not likely to be solved with the help of computing power. The results are already an iconic location in the field of robotics, computing, and futuristic technology, and is extensively discussed throughout John Kelly and Steve Hamm's Smart Machines and Tyler Cowen's Average is over. 2 Watson was the winner, comfortably. Its performance wasn't flawless: It believed Toronto was located in the US as well as when asked about a phrase that had the double meaning of'stylish elegance' or students who graduated one year' it replied with 'chic' not "class". However, its score at the conclusion of the two days of competition was three times the amount of the top of its human competitors. The 'Quiz-show contestant could be the first position to be made redundant by Watson the robot,' one of the defeated men stated"but I'm sure it won't be final one.'

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